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Our past webinars

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Sustainability Across Cultures: Exploring Global Perspectives Through Languages
Tyler William Johnson
Culturally Connected: Teaching Target Cultures in the Spanish Classroom
Aubrey Swisher and Caroline Schlegel
Empowering Language Learners: Techniques to Motivate and Retain Interest
Diego Ojeda
Communication Forward: Building Language Proficiency
Patrick Wallace
Maximizing Student Engagement through Scaffolding with KWL Reporteros
Aubrey Swisher & Caroline Schlegel
Planning with a Purpose: Strategies for Backwards Design
Juanita Calvo
Leveraging Heritage Language Learners’ Strengths in Mixed-Level Spanish Classrooms
Diego Ojeda
Engage and Excel: Innovative Strategies for Teaching AP Spanish Language & Culture
Aubrey Swisher & Caroline Schlegel
Enhancing Interpretive Skills in an Italian Classroom
Valeria Luppino
REPORTEROS 4: Your Pathway to Level 4 and AP Spanish Success!
The KWL Editorial Team
Including Cultural Diversity: Inclusive Language Learning Practices In The WL Classroom
Tyler William Johnson
Enhancing Language Acquisition & Engagement Through Music
Bertha Delgadillo
Myths and Misconceptions in Communicative Language Teaching
Dr. Sara Stefanich
Choosing the Right Readers: Tailoring German Language Learning with Proficiency
Kathrin Frenzel-Luke
Maximizing Year-End Success: Using Supplemental Materials
Katie Mickel
Enriqueciendo la experiencia de lectura en la clase de español
Diego Ojeda & Carmen Reyes
IA generativa y el libro de texto: ¿El "match" perfecto para tu clase?
Manuela Mena
Advocacy from the Classroom: Strategies to Help our Language Programs Grow
Virtual Panel
Maximize Your Lesson Planning for Classroom Success
Evelyn Alizo
Strategies to Maximize the Use of the Language Within and Beyond the Classroom
Linda Villadóniga
Sustainable Development in World Language Curriculum: The Benefits for Global Citizenship
Virtual Panel
Beyond the Beat! Teaching Social Issues and Intercultural Competence Through Music
Ryan Calabretta-Sajder & Valentina Morello
Essential Routines and Procedures in Your World Language Lessons
Josefina Cabello
Connections: Strategies to Maximize Cultural Comparisons and Connections
Presented by Linda Villadóniga
Multiliteracies for Beginners
Amy L. Clay
Cultural Exploration Through Teen Eyes
Iván Ferrero
Strategies to Maximize Understanding the Practices, Products and Perspectives of Culture
Linda Villadóniga
Los proyectos en la clase de español
Diego Ojeda
Language Teaching in the AI Era: Opportunities and Challenges
Joe Dale
Authentic Resources for a Deeper Dive into Spanish & French Culture
Iván Ferrero
Proficiency with Comprehensible Input and Clear Feedback
Diego Ojeda
“Bridging the gap” entre el programa básico y los cursos de especialización
Nuria Murillo & Juanita Calvo
Explorando la interculturalidad en la clase de español
Diego Ojeda
From Input to Output: Making the NYS WL Standards Work for You
Kristi O'Connor
Empowering Heritage Language Learners in the Spanish Classroom
Alba Vega & Brittmarie Solís
Strategies to Maximize the Presentational Mode (Speaking and Writing)
Linda Villadóniga
Transforma tu libro de texto en historias y aventuras únicas para tu clase
Manuela Mena
Strategies to Maximize the Interpersonal Mode
Linda Villadóniga
Strategies to Maximize the Interpretive Mode
Linda Villadóniga
Estrategias de lectura para niveles avanzados de Español Segunda Lengua
Diego Ojeda
Engaging and meaningful extension activities for elementary World Language teachers
Josefina Cabello
Reimagining Differentiation: Simplifying Instructional Strategies for Diverse Classrooms
Kristi O'Connor
Estrategias de lectura para niveles iniciales de Español como Segunda Lengua
Diego Ojeda
Podré hacerlo… si me abres una puerta
Lisi Barros-Sehringer​
Experiential Learning in the World Language Classroom
Aubrey Swisher & Caroline Schlegel​
Translanguaging corriente in the L2 classroom
Liliana Paredes & Sandra Valnes Quammen
Exploring Espace Virtuel & Campus Difusión's Latest Updates
Kathryn Miner
Presentation of the book HONING OUR CRAFT
Florencia Henshaw & Kim Potowski
Transforma tu libro de texto en escape rooms y breakouts educativos
Manuela Mena
¿Cómo humanizar el libro de texto?
Diego Ojeda​
Maximizing Interpretive Communication​
Florencia Henshaw​
Estrategias y actividades creativas para la clase de español​
Diego Ojeda & Manuela Mena​
Activando el vocabulario en una clase de elemental​
Valentina Correa & Carolina Gómez​
How to incorporate Education for Sustainable Development into the WL classroom​
Britta Kallin​
ChatGPT: ¿una amenaza o una oportunidad para la enseñanza de lenguas?​
Sergio Troitiño​
Exposición, uso y reciclaje. O cómo unir los puntos en el aprendizaje con Proyectos​
Liliana Paredes​
Cómo incorporar el Input Comprensible en los niveles superiores​
Diego Ojeda​
Selecting and adapting authentic materials for the world language classroom​
Jen Hoban & Sharon Grele​
Veo veo... el uso de recursos visuales en el aprendizaje de lengua​
Natalia Valencia​
El sílabo con base en tareas​
Dr. Claudia Fernández​
Successfully Embed Social and Emotional Learning in Your Language Classes​
Bertha Delgadillo​
Insegnare la grammatica italiana in contesto comunicativo​
Elena Caselli​
Teaching Grammar Communicatively and in Context​
Joshua Cabral​
Boosting Student Engagement with Game-based Language Learning Activities​
Heidi Lechner​
Aula en acción 2: Aprender haciendo en el aula de español​
Dr. Claudia Fernández & Dr. Sara Stefanich​
La creatividad en la clase de lengua extranjera​
Diego Ojeda​
Empathy, Action Civics, and Cross-Cultural Understanding for Social Justice​
Akash Patel​
How to Create a SCOPE and SEQUENCE for your K-6 World Language Classroom​
Josefina Cabello​
Simple Strategies, Major Impact: Making Education Accessible To All Students​
Dr. Tania Heap​
Helping Students Make Cultural Comparisons​
Linda Villadóniga​
Tasks Give Communicative Purpose​
Rebecca Blouwolff ​
La gramática comprensible
Diego Ojeda​
¿Cómo seleccionar materiales auténticos para tus clases de español?​
Josefina Cabello​
Entender los textos desde el Input Comprensible​
Diego Ojeda​
Practical Ideas for Developing Inquiry in the Spanish Classroom​
Karina Bustamante ​
Using Graphic Organizers for Successful Reading​
Linda Villadóniga​
Our Language Is Different
Scott Thornbury​
Two's Company or Two's a Crowd?​
Lindsay Clandfield​
Unpacking Output​
Florencia Henshaw​
Una gramática para el encuentro​
Lourdes Miquel​
Stratégies d'acquisitions lexicales​
Eva Claude​
Aula en Acción: los enfoques comunicativos más avanzados al alcance de todos​
Dr. Claudia Fernández & Agustín Garmendia
How to Successfully Implement Differentiated Instruction. The Easy Way!
Antonio Amo​
Dire e fare: Communicative Competence in a Foreign Language Classroom​
Valentina Morello​
Los 5 sentidos de la cultura hispana: Ideas para trabajar la herencia hispana​
Liliana Paredes & Natalia Valencia​