

Our wide array of supplements (graded readers, test preparation books, grammar books…) support our comprehensive approach to language teaching and learning. In this section we present materials to enhance specific language learning skills.

Are you interested in these supplements?

Entdeckungsreise D-A-CH

ENTDECKUNGSREISE D-A-CH is an intermediate/advanced textbook that focuses on the culture of German-speaking countries.


DEUTSCH INTENSIV provides extensive practice in the core linguistic skills: Grammar, Vocabulary, Writing, Listening & Speaking.

Spiele für den DaF-Unterricht

The series SPIELE FÜR DEN DAF-UNTERRICHT |Games for German Class assists students in practicing, applying, and reinforcing communicative as well as pronunciation and grammar skills. The games in each book can be seamlessly integrated into any curriculum and alongside any textbook series. All books are suitable for partner, group work, or whole class sessions, and require little to no preparation

Treffpunkt Dialog

TREFFPUNK DIALOG is a great supplement to help students improve their speaking skills. Levels Novice to Advanced Mid.

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