Generación AP®

Generación AP®

A cutting-edge AP® Spanish Language and Culture program that brings the most advanced teaching methodologies to the classroom.

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GENERACIÓN AP® is a new and innovative program designed to provide AP® Spanish Language and Culture students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed on the AP® exam and beyond.

GENERACIÓN AP® guides students from the Intermediate to Advanced Low range in Spanish proficiency, as outlined by the College Board's AP® Spanish Language and Culture course, and allows students to demonstrate their abilities across the three modes of communication—interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational—based on the ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners. 


  • Comprehensive coverage of all six AP® themes and 37 contexts.
  • Engaging and authentic learning experiences that go beyond rote memorization.
  • Explicit instruction and practice on all AP® exam task models. 
  • A focus on cultural comparison, preparing students for a key component of the AP® exam.
  • A variety of activity types to cater to diverse learning styles and needs.
  • Abundant support materials for both students and teachers.

What sets GENERACIÓN AP® apart?


  • Exam preparation integrated throughout the chapters.


  • In-depth vocabulary development with an emphasis on:

    -Meaningful context rather than isolated word lists
    Word combinations commonly used together
    Connotative meanings (cultural, metaphorical, etc.)
    - Personal associations to enhance learning
    - Strategic approaches to vocabulary acquisition and recall
    - Pragmatic aspects of language use 

  • Authentic materials including: 
    - Two videos per chapter 
    - Literary selections 
    - Articles, infographics, tables, graphs, maps, and audio


  • Textos mapeados: frequent word combination maps to enhance vocabulary and grammar acquisition.


Program Components

Student Edition

6 chapters


6 chapters

Annotated Teachers' Edition

Digital editions + Supplementary Materials

24 horas en... (companion readers)

Our Online Platform

The KWL Hub offers digital content and resources for students and teachers using GENERACIÓN AP®. 

The KWL Hub is designed to enhance teaching and learning experiences in K-12 environments with engaging content and user-friendly tools. 

Below, we list the features and supplementary materials included for the program on our platform.


Students can find:

  • An interactive version of the Student Edition
  • An interactive version of the Workbook
  • An eBook version of the Student Edition
  • An eBook version of the Workbook
  • Grammar tutorials 
  • Pronunciation tutorials 
  • Strategies tutorials
  • Videos with scripts and closed captions for students who are hearing impaired
  • Videos with audio description for students who are visual impaired
  • Audio files with scripts
  • Assessment rubrics
  • Interactive quizzes
  • Spanish-English and English-Spanish Glossaries
  • Maps
  • …and more!

Teachers can find:

  • An interactive version of the Student Edition
  • An interactive version of the Workbook
  • An eBook version of the Student Edition
  • An eBook version of the Workbook
  • An eBook version of the Annotated Teacher’s Edition
  • AP correlations
  • Standards correlations
  • Lesson plans
  • Assessment Program
  • Grammar tutorials 
  • Pronunciation tutorials
  • Strategies tutorials
  • Videos with scripts and closed captions for students who are hearing impaired
  • Videos with audio description for students who are visual impaired
  • Audio files with scripts
  • Assessment rubrics
  • Self and peer assessment rubrics
  • Lessons Plans
  • An LMS with gradebook, messaging system, homework assignment tool and analytics data to evaluate student performance
  • …and more!

Scope and Sequence, Sample Unit & Correlations

Let's Talk!

Looking for more information about GENERACIÓN AP® and what the program offers? Contact your dedicated state World Language Sales Consultant to schedule a meeting, or request a free sample today!

Please note that there are no online resources for this product.

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