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Professional Development

As experienced educators, the Klett World Languages team is well equipped to offer a diverse array of professional development sessions. These sessions are designed to support teachers, whether they are in the process of integrating our programs into their instruction or simply seeking quality professional development in language teaching.

After consulting with your school or district’s designated contact, we will provide you with a customized selection of professional development options. These can cover a wide range of subjects, from teaching methodologies and pedagogy to practical classroom applications. Our informative sessions are research-based and led by experts in the field, including experienced world language educators and specialists in second language acquisition and pedagogy.

Our investment in Klett World Languages' comprehensive professional learning package has been impactful at both the teacher and district levels. The Klett team's detailed observations and personalized virtual learning sessions have provided invaluable insights aligned with core world language practices, enhancing instruction and student learning across the district. Their professional development support truly sets Klett apart—having former teachers like Sara, Aisha, and Kathryn offer targeted, meaningful feedback has been beneficial. Their practical experience and guidance have empowered our teachers to expand and enhance their practices. Working with the Klett team has been a wonderful and rewarding experience!

Key Objectives of the Sessions:

  • To familiarize teachers with the content knowledge necessary for effective delivery of the KWL program.
  • To provide training on the implementation of pedagogical shifts necessary to align instruction with local World Language Standards and ACTFL guidelines.
  • To develop skills and impart knowledge related to language instruction.
  • To connect theory with practice.

Popular Topics Include:

  • Backwards Design for Unit Planning 
  • Differentiated Instruction in the Language Classroom
  • Linguistic Risk-Taking with the PACE Model
  • Engagement Strategies in the Language Classroom
  • Incorporating Cultural Comparisons
  • Leveraging Comprehensible Input through Reading in the Classroom
  • Incorporating Readers into Your Curriculum 
  • Differentiated Instruction for Second Language + Heritage Learner Classrooms
  • Implementing Integrated Performance Assessments
  • Charting a Path towards Authentic, Spontaneous Language Use
  • How to Leverage Technology in the Language Classroom 
  • Approaching Vocabulary through the Interpretive Mode
  • Enacting Student-Centered Activities in the Language Classroom 
  • Building Proficiency: Practical Grading Techniques
  • Facilitating Target Language Comprehensibility 

Session Formats & Descriptions:

VIRTUAL SYNCHRONOUS: 1- to 2-hour sessions on specific topic(s) related to world language teaching
  • Interactive presentation with Q&A session at the end
IN-PERSON WORKSHOPS & SESSIONS: 1- to 2-hour sessions or full day
  • Similar to virtual synchronous sessions with an interactive, hands-on approach
IN-PERSON COACHING: half-day or full-day workshops
  • A KWL Content Specialist will observe teachers using our materials and provide feedback.
  • Observations can be holistic or targeted to address specific goals and objectives.
VIRTUAL OFFICE HOURS: 1-hour sessions with a KWL Content Specialist or Educational Technologist
  • Participate in an interactive Q&A session with virtual demonstrations
  • Coaching on topics such as: navigating the online platforms, program components, lesson planning, and more!

Next Steps:

Reach out directly to Dr. Sara Stefanich, Professional Development Manager, by emailing [email protected] to discuss your school or district’s specific professional development needs and create a custom professional development package.