

Effective communication does not require perfect grammar, but learning about how a language works can greatly improve your communication and proficiency. Our grammar books offer expertly-written practice exercises and clear grammar explanations to facilitate and accelerate language learning. They are ideal for independent study or teacher-led courses at all levels.

Are you interested in these grammar books?


Grammar practice for A1-B1 students.

Easy to understand explanations, varied exercises plus additional information.


DEUTSCH INTENSIV provides extensive practice in the core linguistic skills: Grammar, Vocabulary, Writing, Listening & Speaking.

Klipp und Klar

KLIPP UND KLAR is modern practice of grammar for beginning and advanced learners of German as a foreign language and German as a second language. It presents, practices and consolidates German grammar at all levels (novice to advanced) and guides to a better understanding of grammar in actual language use.

Spiele für den DaF-Unterricht

The series SPIELE FÜR DEN DAF-UNTERRICHT|GAMES for German Class assists students in practicing, applying, and reinforcing communicative as well as pronunciation and grammar skills. The games in each book can be seamlessly integrated into any curriculum and alongside any textbook series. All books are suitable for partner, group work, or whole class sessions, and require little to no preparation.

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