Home / Impuls Deutsch Grant
What is the purpose of the IMPULS DEUTSCH grant?
IMPULS DEUTSCH is an innovative textbook series for beginning and intermediate college German which embraces a pluralistic view of German-speaking society. By representing places and stories from German speakers of diverse origins, the program makes a conscious effort to work towards a more socially just curriculum through the inclusion of historically marginalized groups, front-and-center in the curriculum.
IMPULS DEUTSCH celebrates diversity, not only by showcasing a wide range of racial, ethnic and religious groups, but also the LGBTQ+ community, diverse gender identities, and people with dis/ability. This is not only an acknowledgement of the diversity within the German-speaking countries, but also an acknowledgement of our instructors and students around the world.
To bring more inclusiveness into the classroom, we created the IMPULS DEUTSCH Grant for Amplifying Voices in German Studies. The grant aims to support German departments and instructors in bringing German speakers from either a) traditionally marginalized groups or b) other professional disciplines to the campus.

Terms and Conditions
The IMPULS DEUTSCH Grant for Amplifying Voices in German Studies (“Grant”) is funded and administered by Klett World Languages, Inc. The Provisions herein govern all aspects of the administration and execution of the Grant. Stakeholders who participate directly or indirectly with the Grant, including but not limited to student applicants, student recipients, teacher applicants, teacher recipients, professors, and Klett World Languages (collectively, “Participants”), shall abide by the Provisions herein.
The Grant shall be named: “IMPULS DEUTSCH Grant for Amplifying Voices in German Studies”. The purpose of the Grant is to support faculty in bringing German-speakers from either a) traditionally marginalized groups or b) other professional disciplines to campus (virtually or in person). The grant can solely be used towards the honorarium of the invited speaker(s). Preference will be given to events that are also open for students/faculty outside the host institution.
Klett World Languages shall be sole Executor of the Grant in all aspects of student/teacher application, selection, and monetary distribution. Klett World Languages reserves all rights and privileges governing the Provisions herein, specifically, but not limited to the right to deny applications to the Grant at its sole discretion; the right to deny the dispersal of Awards at its sole discretion; and the right to cease any and all Grant-related activities at its sole discretion at any time. Changes to any provisions herein shall be made known to Participants prior to the Application Period each year.
Eligible Applicants are German instructors (preference will be given to those who teach German at the middle, high school, or undergraduate levels; full-time, part-time and graduate assistant status are all eligible) or students who serve in an official role within a German program (e.g. German club president). Applicants need to formally submit the complete Application Materials that meet the requirements of the Grant within the Application Period. Applicants must be currently employed (instructors) or enrolled and in good standing (students) at an accredited US university to be eligible for the Award. The Award must be used to pay or contribute towards the honorarium. The invited speaker(s) need to be either from traditionally marginalized groups -or- from professional disciplines outside of German Studies. The planned event has to be either for students in German programs in the U.S., or for professional development of German instructors in the US.
From a pool of eligible Applicants, the Executor shall select as many individual Applicants as Recipients of the Award until the total sum of the Grant is disbursed.
A single Award shall total from 1 USD to 500 USD. Awards are available until a limit of 3000 USD is exhausted.
The Application Materials shall contain the Applicant’s name, be submitted together, and consist of, at minimum:
- A 500-word proposal that specifies how the planned event supports the purpose of the grant (inclusive and/or interdisciplinary German Studies) and/or reasons for the grant application.
- Biographies of the invited speaker(s) that make clear which traditionally marginalized groups and/or professional disciplines outside of German Studies they represent.
- Details of the honorarium(s) offered to the speaker(s).
Applicants may submit Application Materials to Klett World Languages at the following email address: [email protected]. The Application Period for year 2023 is as follows:
- Jan 5: Application Period begins
- February 28 at 11:59 pm: Application Period ends
- March 20: Recipients are announced
- April 17: Award distribution
Additional Application Periods may be opened if the total amount of 3000 USD was not exhausted in previous rounds.
All Applicants to the Grant provide the Executor full, indefinite rights to advertise and reveal their names and identities in the form of video or photograph on social media channels and elsewhere for marketing and/or educational purposes. All Application Materials will otherwise be held confidential in a secure file until they are destroyed at the discretion of the Executor. Application Materials will never be shared publicly or used for any illegal purpose.
If any part of these Provisions, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, is for any reason held invalid, unenforceable, or waived, it shall be deemed severable and the validity of the remainder of these Provisions or the applications thereof to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby.
Previous Awarded Projects

Concert and workshops with Ezé Wendtoin at the University of Louisville
Recipient: Department of Classical and Modern Languages (CML) at the University of Louisville (UofL)
Date: September 29 – October 1, 2022
Description: Ezé Wendtoin’s visit consisted of two 50-minute workshops for learners of German and an interactive concert (75 minutes) for learners of German and the public, as well as two meals with students and faculty.
These events enhanced CML program by increasing their students’ language and cultural competencies, while generating excitement for German learning on campus and in the community.
Through Ezé Wendtoin’s workshops, students learned societal, political, and historical information about Burkina Faso, discussed colonialism and its consequences, reflected on experiences of discrimination in Germany and the United States, played instruments and made music together, and shared stories about their passion for the German language.
Ezé Wendtoin inspired people with his energy and music that builds bridges and connects people.

A conversation and interactive workshop with the German artist Illi Anna Heger
Recipient: Department of German at the University of Pittsburgh
Date: September 30, 2022
Description: Illi Anna Heger is a German graphic artist and author that created the project “Pronomen ohne Geschlecht” (Pronouns Without Gender).
The first version of their “xier” pronouns emerged in 2012 and has become of the most well-known neopronouns to date.
Illi Anna Heger virtual US lecture tour started in April 2022. They were invited to talk about #PronomenWieXier in different institutions of higher education in the US. They spoke about #PronomenWieXier, German as a highly gendered language and language change.
Illi Anna Heger delivered a virtual workshop for the Department of German at the University of Pittsburgh about the neo-pronoun “xier” and how they can be used in German to express identity that doesn’t fit the heteronormative divide.