Wer ist eigentlich ...?

Wer ist eigentlich ...?

WER IST EIGENTLICH ...? introduces well-known characters from the fields of science, politics, culture, and society. A variety of three non-fiction texts provides insight into the title’s main character's biography, their contributions, and today's impact on the subject's life and achievements.

This series is recommended for K-12 students.

17.50 USD
Wer ist eigentlich ...? Carl Benz

ISBN: 9783126742238

17.50 USD
8.75 USD 17.50 USD
8.75 USD 17.50 USD
Wer sind eigentlich Rudolf & Adi Dassler?

ISBN: 9783126742245

Level: Intermediate

16.95 USD


WER IST EIGENTLICH ...? introduces well-known figures from science, politics, culture, and society. Three different non-fiction texts allow readers to learn about their biography (life), achievements (work), and their direct relationship with current topics (impact).

Key features of the collection:

  • Informative and exciting non-fiction texts
  • Different types of texts, graphics, and diagrams
  • Texts about life, work, and impact
  • Vocabulary explanations
  • Reading comprehension exercises

Go through the levels and samples

Rudolf und Adi Dassler

Angela Merkel

Robert Koch

Carl Benz

Margarete Steiff

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Contact our German team for more information about which series is the best choice for you and your students.

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