leicht und klasse

leicht und klasse

LEICHT & KLASSE accompanies the textbook series KLASSE!

This series is recommended for K-12 students.

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Ein Sommer mit Überraschungen

ISBN: 9783126749404

13.95 USD
Die Klassenfahrt

ISBN: 9783126749411

13.95 USD
Das Fußballturnier

ISBN: 9783126749428

13.95 USD
Der Umzug nach Hamburg

ISBN: 9783126749435

13.95 USD
Die Schatzsuche

ISBN: 9783126749442

13.95 USD
Store KWL (5 products)


LEICHT & KLASSE, which complements the textbook series KLASSE!, provides the following components:

  • engaging stories featuring Kim, Marie, Henri, and Lukas as protagonists
  • reading comprehension exercises for each chapter
  • and informative content about life in Germany.

Go through the levels and samples

Ein Sommer mit Überraschungen

A1: Novice Low to Novice High

Das Fußballturnier

A1: Novice Low to Novice High

Die Klassenfahrt

A2: Novice High to Intermediate Low

Der Umzug nach Hamburg

A2: Novice High to Intermediate Low

Die Schatzsuche

B1: Intermediate Low to Intermediate High

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Contact our German team for more information about which series is the best choice for you and your students.

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