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85.45 USD 89.95 USD

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161.45 USD 169.95 USD
66.45 USD 69.95 USD
Défi francophone 1: Annotated Instructor Edition

ISBN: 9788418224706

Level: Beginner

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118.70 USD 124.95 USD
Défi francophone 1: Student Textbook

ISBN: 9788418625718

Level: Beginner

85.45 USD 89.95 USD
Défi francophone 2: 12-Month Student Bundle (The KWL Hub)

ISBN: 9788419072764

Level: Intermediate

132.95 USD 139.95 USD
85.45 USD 89.95 USD
Défi francophone 2: 3-Year Instructor Bundle (The KWL Hub)

ISBN: 9788418907982

Level: Intermediate

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161.45 USD 169.95 USD
66.45 USD 69.95 USD
Défi francophone 2: Annotated Instructor Edition

ISBN: 9788419072726

Level: Intermediate

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118.70 USD 124.95 USD
Défi francophone 2: Student Textbook

ISBN: 9788418907388

Level: Intermediate

85.45 USD 89.95 USD
Der Froschkönig

ISBN: 9783126749138

4.75 USD 9.50 USD
Der kleine Grenzverkehr

ISBN: 9783126757287

8.98 USD 17.95 USD
Der Schatz von Hiddensee

ISBN: 9783125569973

7.75 USD 15.50 USD
Der Wolf und die 7 Geißlein

ISBN: 9783126749091

4.75 USD 9.50 USD
Deutsch³: Teacher's Manual

ISBN: 9783126751278

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19.98 USD 39.95 USD
Diaporama d'histoires: Reader

ISBN: 9788484438922

Level: Beginner

4.75 USD 9.50 USD
56.95 USD 59.95 USD
56.95 USD 59.95 USD
52.20 USD 54.95 USD
56.95 USD 59.95 USD
56.95 USD 59.95 USD
56.95 USD 59.95 USD
Die Entdeckung der Currywurst

ISBN: 9783126757379

8.98 USD 17.95 USD
37.95 USD 39.95 USD
33.20 USD 34.95 USD
Die neue Linie 1 A1.2: Text/Workbook

ISBN: 9783126072373

Level: Beginner

33.20 USD 34.95 USD
Die neue Linie 1 A1: Intensive Trainer

ISBN: 9783126072403

Level: Beginner

22.56 USD 23.75 USD
Die neue Linie 1 A1: Teacher's Manual

ISBN: 9783126072397

Level: Beginner

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28.45 USD 29.95 USD
Die neue Linie 1 A1: Test Book

ISBN: 9783126072410

Level: Beginner

33.20 USD 34.95 USD
28.45 USD 29.95 USD
6.98 USD 13.95 USD
Die Wolke

ISBN: 9783126757492

8.98 USD 17.95 USD

ISBN: 9783126749077

4.75 USD 9.50 USD
Dramatische Szenen in Weimar

ISBN: 9783125570009

7.75 USD 15.50 USD
Drei Männer im Schnee

ISBN: 9783126757218

9.13 USD 18.25 USD
Durchstarten in Deutschland

ISBN: 9783126749305

Level: Elementary

6.13 USD 12.25 USD
Ein Basketballstar am Main

ISBN: 9783125570139

7.75 USD 15.50 USD
Einer singt falsch: Textbook

ISBN: 9783126064514

8.25 USD 16.50 USD
El monstruo del rock

ISBN: 9788484432746

Level: Intermediate Mid

4.75 USD 9.50 USD
Emil und die Detektive

ISBN: 9783126757232

8.98 USD 17.95 USD

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23.70 USD 24.95 USD
Entdeckungsreise D-A-CH A2-B1: Textbook

ISBN: 9783126063807

Level: Intermediate

22.48 USD 44.95 USD

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14.20 USD 14.95 USD
37.95 USD 39.95 USD
Entre nous 1: 12-Month Student Bundle (Espace Virtuel)

ISBN: 9788419236593

Level: Beginner

90.20 USD 94.95 USD
28.45 USD 29.95 USD

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14.20 USD 14.95 USD
37.95 USD 39.95 USD
Entre nous 2: 12-Month Student Bundle (Espace Virtuel)

ISBN: 9788419236609

Level: Intermediate

90.20 USD 94.95 USD
28.45 USD 29.95 USD
Entre nous 2: Text/Workbook

ISBN: 9788484439271

Level: Beginner

61.70 USD 64.95 USD

The product can only be purchased by verified teachers. Register here.

14.20 USD 14.95 USD
37.95 USD 39.95 USD
Entre nous 3: 12-Month Student Bundle (Espace Virtuel)

ISBN: 9788419236616

Level: Intermediate

90.20 USD 94.95 USD
28.45 USD 29.95 USD
Entre nous 3: Text/Workbook

ISBN: 9788416273249

Level: Intermediate

61.70 USD 64.95 USD

The product can only be purchased by verified teachers. Register here.

14.20 USD 14.95 USD
37.95 USD 39.95 USD
Entre nous 4: 12-Month Student Bundle (Espace Virtuel)

ISBN: 9788419236623

Level: Intermediate

90.20 USD 94.95 USD
28.45 USD 29.95 USD
Entre nous 4: Text/Workbook

ISBN: 9788416347940

Level: Intermediate

61.70 USD 64.95 USD

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71.20 USD 74.95 USD
Falsches Spiel in München

ISBN: 9783126751179

6.88 USD 13.75 USD
Flucht ins fremde Paradies

ISBN: 9783126757690

8.98 USD 17.95 USD
Frau Holle

ISBN: 9783126749084

4.75 USD 9.50 USD
Gefahr am Strand

ISBN: 9783125570085

7.75 USD 15.50 USD

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18.95 USD 19.95 USD
37.95 USD 39.95 USD
Gente hoy 1: 12-Month Student Bundle (Campus Difusión)

ISBN: 9788419236289

Level: Beginner

94.95 USD 99.95 USD

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18.95 USD 19.95 USD
37.95 USD 39.95 USD
42.70 USD 44.95 USD
26.55 USD 27.95 USD
Gente hoy 2: Student Blended Bundle

ISBN: 9788419236296

Level: Intermediate

94.95 USD 99.95 USD

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18.95 USD 19.95 USD
37.95 USD 39.95 USD
Gente hoy 3: Student Blended Bundle

ISBN: 9788419236302

Level: Advanced

94.95 USD 99.95 USD

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47.45 USD 49.95 USD
42.70 USD 44.95 USD

The product can only be purchased by verified teachers. Register here.

18.95 USD 19.95 USD
71.20 USD 74.95 USD
Gente joven 1: Textbook

ISBN: 9788415620754

47.45 USD 49.95 USD
42.70 USD 44.95 USD
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