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CAP SUR... is a three-level program, designed for children ages 7-11, that teaches French in a simple and appealing way. The series revolves around the adventures of a delightful French family accompanied by Gaston the pigeon, their fun and engaging pet.
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CAP SUR... is a three-level program, designed for children ages 7-11, that teaches French in a simple and appealing way. The series revolves around the adventures of a delightful French family accompanied by Gaston the pigeon, their fun and engaging pet.
The Teacher’s Guide contains an abundance of annotations created to complement various teaching contexts and styles, save time in class preparation, and implement ways for effective differentiation in instruction and assessment. It also includes answer keys, ideas and recommendations on how to extend the activities further, and much more.
The Workbook contains an abundance of activities to practice and expand the grammar and the vocabulary presented in the Student Edition.
My French Hub is a platform offering digital content and resources for students and teachers who work with CAP SUR.... It is designed with a clear purpose in mind: to improve teaching and learning experiences in K-12 environments with engaging content and helpful, user-friendly tools.
The platform offers easy access to a vast array of material in different formats to help students better grasp and practice contents, build their skills, develop cultural insights, and meet learning objectives. My French Hub is easy, flexible and intuitive for all users.
As more and more institutions move into the digital world, it is important for us to offer digital content in an interface that is intuitive and straightforward for all types of users and 100% web-based and browser friendly, as well as compatible with all smartphones and tablets via an application that allows instructors and students to work both offline and online at any time and from any location.
Communication is at the core of CAP SUR…’s pedagogical approach. The ultimate goal is for students to acquire communication skills, and CAP SUR… exposes students to real-life experiences that practice the three modes of communication: interpersonal, interpretative, and presentational.
Culture from around the French-speaking world is presented across the units. The family depicted in a continuing story reflects the diversity of Francophone countries and cultures. The father is Parisian and the mother is from Guadeloupe.
In the story, the family takes a trip during which they explore different French-speaking places and discover unique aspects of their cultures. Reflections on interculturality are a feature of each unit. This cross-cultural focus helps students become open-minded learners who make connections with other communities.
Students make connections with other academic disciplines and reinforce what they have learned. Mathematics, art, music, social studies, and science, and other subjects are all part of children’s experience when they learn French with CAP SUR…
The Cousteau family and friends introduce children to the diversity of the French-speaking world. Through these experiences, children develop a deeper understanding of their own culture and language while learning to value different French-speaking cultures and the variety within the French language itself.
CAP SUR… has been created for learners who will be part of multilingual and multicultural communities in a global society. Because of this, CAP SUR… offers activities that connect language learners with the world outside of the classroom.
French teacher and teacher trainer
French teacher and teacher trainer
French teacher and teacher trainer
Looking for more information about CAP SUR... and what this collection offers? Contact your dedicated state World Language Sales Consultant to schedule a meeting, or request a free sample today!
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