

23.75 USD

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34.95 USD
34.95 USD
24.95 USD
23.75 USD

The product can only be purchased by verified teachers. Register here.

44.95 USD
44.95 USD
56.95 USD 59.95 USD
Intermediate to advanced college German language learners will continue to expand their vocabulary base and solidify their grasp of grammatical structures. Focused on improving reading, writing, listening, and speaking, this textbook will stimulate discussion with a variety of authentic and culturally relevant texts, audio, and videos.
56.95 USD 59.95 USD
Intermediate to advanced college German language learners will continue to expand their vocabulary base and solidify their grasp of grammatical structures. Focused on improving reading, writing, listening, and speaking, this workbook with accompanying audio CD will stimulate discussion with a variety of authentic and culturally relevant texts, audio, and videos.
29.95 USD
Intermediate to advanced college German language learners will continue to expand their vocabulary base and solidify their grasp of grammatical structures. Focused on improving reading, writing, listening, and speaking, this text and workbook combination (half edition) with accompanying audio CD will stimulate discussion with a variety of authentic and culturally relevant texts, audio, and videos.
56.95 USD 59.95 USD
Intermediate to advanced college German language learners will continue to expand their vocabulary base and solidify their grasp of grammatical structures. Focused on improving reading, writing, listening, and speaking, this text and workbook combination (half edition) with accompanying audio CD will stimulate discussion with a variety of authentic and culturally relevant texts, audio, and videos.
56.95 USD 59.95 USD
Intermediate to advanced college German language learners will continue to expand their vocabulary base and solidify their grasp of grammatical structures. Focused on improving reading, writing, listening, and speaking, this textbook will stimulate discussion with a variety of authentic and culturally relevant texts, audio, and videos.
44.95 USD
Intermediate to advanced college German language learners will continue to expand their vocabulary base and solidify their grasp of grammatical structures. Focused on improving reading, writing, listening, and speaking, this workbook with accompanying audio CD will stimulate discussion with a variety of authentic and culturally relevant texts, audio, and videos.
29.95 USD
Intermediate to advanced college German language learners will continue to expand their vocabulary base and solidify their grasp of grammatical structures. Focused on improving reading, writing, listening, and speaking, this text and workbook combination (half edition covering chapters 1-5) with accompanying audio CD will stimulate discussion with a variety of authentic and culturally relevant texts, audio, and videos.
56.95 USD 59.95 USD
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