

Beginner high school German language students are actively involved in their own learning with teen-relevant topics and self-assessments. With a modern layout and interdisciplinary and STEM content, this workbook helps students to connect structures with meaning.
19.95 USD

The product can only be purchased by verified teachers. Register here.

20.95 USD
Beginner high school German language students are actively involved in their own learning with teen-relevant topics and self-assessments. With a modern layout and interdisciplinary and STEM content, this comprehensive testing program teaches students to connect structures with meaning.
20.95 USD

Intermediate high school German language students are actively involved in their own learning with teen-relevant topics and self-assessments. With modern, well-organized chapters featuring interdisciplinary and STEM content, this textbook teaches students to connect structures with meaning.

90.20 USD 94.95 USD
Intermediate high school German language students are actively involved in their own learning with teen-relevant topics and self-assessments. With a modern layout and interdisciplinary and STEM content, this workbook helps students to connect structures with meaning.
19.95 USD

The product can only be purchased by verified teachers. Register here.

20.95 USD
Intermediate high school German language students are actively involved in their own learning with teen-relevant topics and self-assessments. With a modern layout and interdisciplinary and STEM content, this comprehensive testing program teaches students to connect structures with meaning.
20.95 USD
56.95 USD 59.95 USD
56.95 USD 59.95 USD
56.95 USD 59.95 USD
56.95 USD 59.95 USD

The product can only be purchased by verified teachers. Register here.

44.95 USD
44.95 USD
24.95 USD

The product can only be purchased by verified teachers. Register here.

39.95 USD
39.95 USD
Coming soon
56.95 USD 59.95 USD
56.95 USD 59.95 USD
Coming soon

Treffpunkt D-A-CH (cultural information on Germany, Austria and Switzerland with language variants). Suitable for beginners.

11.75 USD
Please note that there are no online resources for this product.

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