

Designed for adults learning the German language at the intermediate level, Netzwerk neu incorporates the students' native languages for improved comphrehension. Students experience steady progression with this workbook offering engaging materials that foster meaningful interaction and diverse activities that are both modern and culturally authentic.
29.95 USD
Designed for adults learning the German language at the intermediate level, Netzwerk neu incorporates the students' native languages for improved comphrehension. With this intensive trainer, students will solidify grammar, vocabulary, and common phrases while complete differentiated activities at their own pace.
23.75 USD

The product can only be purchased by verified teachers. Register here.

39.95 USD
Designed for adults learning the German language at the intermediate level, Netzwerk neu incorporates the students' native languages for improved comphrehension. With formal assessments and exercises for vocabulary, grammar, and all four skills, this test book encourages independent language production and accountability.
39.95 USD

The product can only be purchased by verified teachers. Register here.

39.95 USD
For educators of adults learning the German language at the intermediate level, this teacher's manual with accompanying audio CDs and DVD will encourage improved comphrehension. Offering detailed introduction to the series and methodology, teachers guide students to experience steady progression with modern and culturally authentic materials.
39.95 USD
56.95 USD 59.95 USD
Linie 1 Beruf B2 was developed for the [Basiskurs B2 im Rahmen der bundesweiten berufsbezogenen Deutschsprachförderung (DeuFöV)], is action-oriented and communicative in style and consistently implements the guidelines for special and basic professional language courses.

- 14 chapters with varied assignments and exercises training all skills
- Targeted training of cross-professional skills and competencies for the workplace
- 5 extra chapters "BSK Spezial"

14 Kapitel mit abwechslungsreichen Aufgaben und Übungen zu allen Fertigkeiten
Gezieltes Training berufsübergreifender Fertigkeiten und Kompetenzen für die Arbeitswelt
5 Extrakapitel „BSK Spezial“ mit systematischem Training sprachlichen Handelns im Beruf mithilfe von Szenarien
Ausgewählte Berufsfelder vom produzierenden Gewerbe bis zu Dienstleistungsberufen
Gezielte Prüfungsvorbereitung auf den Deutsch-Test für den Beruf B2 mit drei ausführlichen Testtrainings und einem vollständigen Modelltest
Audios, Videos, Online-Übungen und digitale Zusatzmaterialien über Klett Augmented
Material für 400 Unterrichtseinheiten

56.95 USD 59.95 USD
- 4 modules per level
- 3 lessons per module with a gentle progression, small-step assignments and many speaking exercises
- Easy access through photo situations portraying a German family in Berlin
- Games in each lesson
- Choice of activities at the end of each lesson: vocabulary, pronunciation, rap and songs, everyday German, mini projects, self-assessment
- Online exercises for extra practice
- At the end of each module: skills training (Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking, Mediation), grammar summary with Clips, Landeskunde extra with film
- Playful reviews in the starter module after every other module
- Audio, grammar clips, and Landeskunde video clips available online and through the Klett-Augmented App
- Online game templates

Includes access to all media.
39.95 USD
- 4 modules with 3 lessons each that complement the coursebook
- Small-step, engaging exercises for individual work
- Listening and spelling exercises in each lesson
- Grammar clips to support independent work at home
- Study-word pool with cross-unit vocabulary exercises at the end of each module
- Playful reviews at the start of the first module of each half-edition
- Audio and grammar clips available online and through the Klett-Augmented App

Includes access to all media.
29.95 USD
52.20 USD 54.95 USD
This revision of the successful textbook “Wir neu” is geared towards middle school students and is particularly relevant for classes that have limited contact hours each week. The digital materials create a fun way for students to learn and help teachers to change things up in the classroom.

- 2 modules per half-volume
- each module has 3 units with flat progression, step-by-step exercises and many oral exercises
- easy access through photo situations portraying a German family in Berlin
- games in each unit
- choice of activities at the end of each unit: vocabulary, pronunciation, rap and songs, daily life in Germany, mini projects, self-evaluation
- online exercises of reinforcement
- at the end of each module: skill training (Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking, Mediation), grammar summary with Clips, cultural background information with movies
- engaging small-steps exercises for individual work in the integrated exercise book
- study word pool with cross-unit vocabulary exercises at the end of each module
- playful revision in the starter modules at the beginning
- audio, grammar clips, and movies online and on demand through the Klett-Augmented-App
- game templates online

Includes access to all media.
52.20 USD 54.95 USD
52.20 USD 54.95 USD
This revision of the successful textbook “Wir neu” is geared towards middle school students and is particularly relevant for classes that have limited contact hours each week. The digital materials create a fun way for students to learn and help teachers to change things up in the classroom.

- 2 modules per half-edition
- 3 lessons per module with a gentle progression and activities for slow and steady progress
- Easy access through photo situations portraying a German family in Berlin
- Games in each lesson
- Choice of activities at the end of each lesson: vocabulary, pronunciation, rap and songs, everyday German, mini projects, self-assessment
- Online exercises for extra practice
- Skills training, grammar summaries, and Landeskunde lessons in every module
- Engaging small-steps exercises for individual work in the integrated exercise book
- Study-word pool with cross-unit vocabulary exercises at the end of each module
- Reviews at the start of the first module of each half-edition
- Audio, grammar clips, and Landeskunde video clips available online and through the Klett-Augmented App
- Online game templates

Includes access to all media.
52.20 USD 54.95 USD

The product can only be purchased by verified teachers. Register here.

24.95 USD
- 12 unit tests with communication and grammar exercises
- All test come in 2 variants A and B for use in bigger groups
- Skills tests (Listening, Reading, Writing) for each module
- Separate speaking exercises at the end - for more flexibility
- Appendix with audio transcripts and answer keys

Includes access to all media.
24.95 USD

The product can only be purchased by verified teachers. Register here.

34.95 USD
- Detailed introduction to the course concept
- Ideas for playful practice
- Didactic tips for the modules
- Game ideas, variants, ideas for differentiation and strategies
- Transcripts for audio exercises
- Print templates for modules and movies
- Answer sheet for skills training

Includes access to all media.
34.95 USD
- 4 modules per level
- 3 lessons per module with a gentle progression, small-step assignments and many speaking exercises
- Easy access through photo situations portraying a German family in Berlin
- Games in each lesson
- Choice of activities at the end of each lesson: vocabulary, pronunciation, rap and songs, everyday German, mini projects, self-assessment
- Online exercises for extra practice
- At the end of each module: skills training (Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking, Mediation), grammar summary with Clips, Landeskunde extra with film
- Playful reviews in the starter module after every other module
- Audio, grammar clips, and Landeskunde video clips available online and through the Klett-Augmented App
- Online game templates

Includes access to all media.
39.95 USD
Please note that there are no online resources for this product.

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